Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Okay, I admit it, I was one of the hundred if not thousands of women that went to see "Eat Love Pray" Friday when it came out. The tremendous trio (Vane, Blondie and I) decided to see the movie together, but only after enjoying some great pizza, I personally wanted to have my own "love affair with my pizza" and we did. I love pizza and like the Blondie said "I don't know what I would do without pizza or cheeseburgers", AMEN and true story to that.

So what does a women in her early 30's think about this movie, on a side note I did try to read the book a while ago and I thought it sucked I could not get through the damm thing to save my life. But I really loved the movie more than the book. I knew we were in for it when the three of us started tearing up through the previews. I thought great, what the hell did I get myself into. My personal review of the movie is I give it two Marathon thumbs up. I enjoyed Julia (yes, we are on a first name basis) a lot and I thought she did an amazing job playing Liz Gilbert. As I watched the movie I thought to myself wow, Liz was not happy being married, she had everything she thought she wanted and just like that she realized she was living someone else's life. Someone else's dream and not her own. The only problem was she didn't know how to get out. What is she to do? She asks for help from the man upstairs, a simple sign (uhm how many times have you done that? I know I have many times over) something, anything. I believe that there are signs everywhere and it really is up to you if you want to / are ready to see them. As of lately, I myself have been in a "is this really what I want for my life" kind of mood. I have some of the same thoughts Liz Gilbert had going on in my own mind. Am I where I am suppose to be? Should I be in NYC? Should I leave? Where is my Javier Bardem ? One of my favorite lines his character says is "you don't need a man, you need a champion" (damm that Penelope is a lucky chick), am I happy or am I just living a life I thought I wanted when I was 23?

For me this movie was amazing because it makes you think. Think about your life and what you really want. Yes, Liz, left her husband and he felt betrayed and hurt but why stay in a loveless marriage? Is that fair to either of them? Yes, she took off for a year away from family and friends and everything she knew I personally think that takes a lot of courage. I know there was a time when I was afraid to leave because I might miss out on something or someone, now I take every opportunity I can to go away just to make sure that I live my life. I think that was the point Liz was trying to make. This is her life. This plan might not work for you but it worked for her, because she did it for herself. When everyone told her not to go and that she was crazy she went anyway and made the change. How many times have we been scared to change because we don't know what is out there? Ever since my cousin passed away at the age of 18 I have made a pact to live my life to the fullest no matter what. Life is way to short to try to plan it out perfectly. You spend so much time planning your life, that in the midst of it, life winds up passing you by. Someone once told me: "Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relieve the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to the realization that if I worry about what might have been, I will ignore what is...learning to live for today." From now on, I plan on living by that mantra. Living for today, and living for myself. What is in the past isn't changeable, you can't sit there and wonder how your life would have turned out if you went left instead of right. We all make decisions in the moment because they are what is right for us in that very moment. The only time it becomes the wrong decision is when we feel trapped by it and can't move on past it.

So in retrospect, I have decided that I am going to make a change. Not to sure what it is but I am making moves here and there. To end this post, in the movie the medicine man Ketut said to Liz, "to lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life", so sometimes when things don't make sense and everything seems out of whack that's when your the most balanced. Well that was my interpretation and at the end of the day that's what is important. My interpretation.

1 comment:

  1. I read the book and I loved it! Haven't seen the movie yet but hopefully it's as good as Liz Gilbert's powerful prose. I like your summary (btw, found this blog from your profile on the Acumen Fund community page - I'm a volunteer intern helping manage the community.)
    : )
