Wednesday, March 30, 2011

march madness how i love you, even though my picks have been wrong and my bracket was blown out of the water when ohio lost to kentucky who saw that coming? i didnt and i clearly missed the memo, and how about vcu, they have played their hearts out and have beaten purdue and flordia state way to go vcu! i also love butler, wow i feel that you are a lot like the gonzaga team from a couple of years ago your amazing truly a great team.
none of my teams made it to the final but i love the fact that these supposed "underdogs" have taken over march madness and that totally makes my day. my final pick is going with vcu or butler.

my life hasn't all been march madness, work, running and Curtis it also involved some qt time with tiffiania and hazelnutty (i am still thinking of a name for her so hazelnut is not my final answer) it was filled with food, laughter, drinks, visions and a random trip to philly. yes with no real plans we headed off to philly at 10p.m. and arrived a little after midnight. philly was great as usual. we did learn the following: in philly the ladies show their woohah's all night long, the fashion is quiet interesting and people don't wear coats.
we do! here we are enjoying a little soda with our vodka on a roofdeck..points for philly (they also had heating lamps)

tiffiania and hazelnut...

all tiffinia wants is for hazel to love her....and she pretty funny

needless to say the night was so unexpected and yet so perfect. we also came the conclusion that pandora radio rocks and aol radio stinks and that r&b music just isn't the same now a days. oh how i miss that old school r&b baby making music.

do you remember any time any place by miss jackson.... *baby making music*

happy thursday.

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